
Miquela Rivera

Miquela Rivera, PhD is a licensed psychologist in Albuquerque with years of clinical, early childhood and consultative experience. Dr. Rivera’s column, “Priming the Pump” appears in each issue of Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education. She lives in Albuquerque.


Technology January 2020 Premium

10 Tips To Navigate Office Politics

Politics – not the partisan kind, but the thinking, actions and policies of people in any setting aimed at getting power or taking control – will impact your actions and outcomes at work.  The following guidelines may help you stay ahead of the game:

Hispanic Community March 2018 Premium

Avoiding Academic Decay Through Well-Planned Summers by <b> Miquela Rivera </b>

The best summer vacations start in the winter – if you want a meaningful three-month break for Latino students once the school year ends.  Too many idle hours of summer vacation can result in academic decay – a loss of knowledge by students due to nonuse.  It’s intellectual atrophy – knowledge once acquired not actively used since becomes less meaningful or accessible. Too much unstructured time can also result in behavior problems like loss of motivation and self-control.  And for teens needing a summer job, winter is the time to start looking.