
Launching Your Job Search?

Hispanic Community November 2018 PREMIUM
What You Need To Know Before You Begin

Before You Begin A Job Search, Envision What You Want Professionally

Start by making a list of the essence of what you want professionally.  Do you want to work with people?  Or do you prefer technology?  Is your burning desire to reform current systems?  Or are you compelled to forge new paths to find solutions to problems?

Include the things you love to do in one column and those that you don’t want to do at all in a second column.  Get clear on what is most important.  What in your work life would you stay up thinking about?  What would you gladly get out of bed every morning to go do?  For which type of work are you willing to give a day of your life, day after day?   All jobs have aspects that employees don’t like, but the aspects you love need to significantly outnumber those you don’t like.  Keep your lists concise.  The fewer but clearer items the better.  This makes your search easier because you will be looking for the things that really matter to you professionally and beyond.

Start Exploring The Possibilities

Research the trends in the work arena that you wish to enter.  In education, for example, emerging areas include innovative services for special needs and underserved populations, as well as English-learners, development of teacher evaluation strategies and trauma-informed approaches to serving high need students.  Read between the lines of job announcements to see what they are seeking.  Learn any special jargon, so you can determine if you’re a good fit for the job.  If you lack some of the special training they seek, see if other skills you have can compensate.

Look Beyond The Obvious

After you look for opportunities in online job listings or workplace websites, look elsewhere.  The business section of local newspapers (online or traditional), the Chamber of Commerce (including the Hispano Chamber of Commerce in some communities) and other professional organization newsletters will feature business start-ups, industry expansions or mergers.  Read, call and ask key individuals about the impending changes and opportunities that may emerge as a result.  Coding, for example, may be the hottest trend in technology support, but the coding jobs in traditional listings may be few.  Businesses that could use coding experts may not have already searched for them. Reach out.  Introduce yourself and explore the possibilities.  You would be inquiring about what their business needs and how you might fulfill them.  You may be developing an opportunity that didn’t exist before you inquired.

Remember To Check With People You Know

Ask professors, mentors, advisors, workplace representatives and others you know if they are aware of opportunities that may fit your job needs.  Parents of friends, old employers and others who have the connections you could use are worth asking.  That type of connection is invaluable, especially if the person you are asking knows you well.  They may have information they can share that isn’t online, and they may know if you would be a good match for the opportunity.

When You Can’t Find What You’re Looking For

If a job opening or other opportunity for work isn’t exactly what you are seeking, consider it anyway.  If the opportunity is time limited, view it as a trial period to learn if it is work you would like to do on a regular basis. A time-limited opportunity gets you in the door, and you can see if work that interests you will develop.

Whether you find an announcement for a dream job or you are faced with working your way into professional situations to build yourself an opportunity, no job will be perfect.  There are some disadvantages to every job, and you must accept them.  Read between the lines in those situations, too.  You can tell through posted ads or by talking with other employees or workplace leaders what works well and what needs improvement.  You may be the answer they seek.

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