
Ethics And Technology In The Classroom

Technology March 2020
Schools across the U.S. have been trying to utilize more technology in the classroom. But how does bringing more technology into the classroom impact ethics in the classroom?

Ethics And Technology In The Classroom

Even before the coronavirus outbreak, schools across the United States have been trying to utilize more technology in the classroom.  From elementary school students using laptops to college professors putting their syllabuses online, technology is steadily becoming more and more a part of the education experience. 

But how does bringing more technology into the classroom impact ethics in the classroom?

Northwest Missouri State University's website has a piece entitled “Ethics for Technology Use in the Classroom,” which offers tips for teachers in the lower grades, regarding ethics and technology.

According to this example what can be described as technology in education articles, an Angelo State University lecturer, Christopher McGilvery, using the acronym TECH SMART to help “students navigate the ethical waters of their digital world.”

Take care of technology equipment.

Explore appropriate and safe sites for learning and research.

Copyright law, Fair Use Act and Creative Commons matter.

Help prevent cyberbullying.

Self-image is important.

Make use of netiquette.

Always give credit to original source.

Remember to be effective, thoughtful and ethical digital creators.


To read the entire piece visit

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