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Global November 2020

Vote Tallying Update

As the vote tallying continues, certain states remain in play, meaning they can go to either incumbent President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden.

Global November 2020

Biden Wins Wisconsin

Joe Biden has won Wisconsin. Neither he nor President Donald Trump have reached 270 Electoral College votes.

Global November 2020

US Formally Exits Paris Agreement

As of Nov. 4, the U.S. is officially no longer part of the Paris Agreement. There are 189 countries that are still part of the global pact, and six more have signed but not ratified the pact.

Global November 2020

Presidency Hinges On 3 Tight Races

Who won the 2020 Election? It is coming down to three state: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Neither President Donald Trump nor Joe Biden have 270 Electoral College votes yet.

Global November 2020

States To Watch Closely On Election Night

As the votes are tallied, the results of the following states could be pivotal to the election: Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nevada.

Global November 2020

The Real Reasons For Long Voting Lines

Many things can contribute to long lines on Election Day, including heavier-than-expected turnout, understaffing, social distancing measures and poll machines not working.

Global November 2020

How AP Counts Votes And Calls Races

While there is no national election commission in the U.S. that says who won on Election Day, The Associated Press counts the nation’s vote in real time on Nov. 3.

Global November 2020

Will We Know Who Won On Election Night?

The main reason Americans may go to bed on Nov. 3 not knowing who won the presidency is because mail ballots usually require more time to process than those cast in person.

Global November 2020

What Are The Rules Around Poll Watching?

While most states allow the monitoring of votes at polling places, the rules for each state differ on particulars like who can be a poll watcher and how they must conduct themselves.