
Colleges, universities focus more on character for admission. USC Annual Admissions Conference

Administration January 2017

*Reporters are asked to RSVP to Emily Gersema at or (213) 740-0252*

WHAT: The attributes of a successful college student exceed measures of the ubiquitous and at times misapplied components of standardized tests, class rank, and high school grades. The abilities to adapt, persist, interpret, lead, be creative, handle disappointment and difficulty, negotiate complex systems, and engage and have empathy for others often make the difference between a student who is a good choice or a poor one in admission, and a student who is engaged and successful on campus or one who is not.

Topics, questions and themes:

  • What does the latest research tell us about how admission decisions are made?
  • What biases and practices remain unexamined?
  • Which new approaches show the greatest promise for equity and for understanding of the qualities that matter in a successful student?
  • How are so-called “non-cognitive factors” considered in college admissions and how can they be given their due?
  • How might college preparation change if these attributes were more widely understood as critical for college admission and success?

WHO: Nearly 200 college deans, higher education scholars, state and federal policymakers and school leaders.

Keynote Speakers:

Michael Bastedo, professor and director of the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education, University of Michigan
Jerome A. Lucido, professor of research and associate dean for Strategic Enrollment Services; executive director of the Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice at USC Rossier School of Education
David Payne, vice president and chief operating officer of Global Education, Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Richard Weissbourd, senior lecturer on education; faculty director, Human Development and Psychology, Harvard Graduate School of Education

For a conference overview and agenda, or to register, visit the conference web page.

WHEN: Jan. 22-24.

WHERE: Marina del Rey Marriott, 4100 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Reserve a room here.

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