
Gustavo A. Mellander

Dr. Mellander was a university dean for 15 years and a college president for 20.

+50 articles


Legal December 2018 Premium

Law School Financial Assistance For Hispanics

In the past, legal training was informal and disparate. Students did not attend classes. Instead, they worked for a lawyer who mentored them as they learned law by observing and performing assigned tasks. Basically, on-the-job training. Law school scholarships for hispanic students - Hispanic law school scholarships - Scholarships for hispanic law students - Latino law school scholarships - Law school scholarships for latinas

Health Care July 2018 Premium

Great Jobs Short Training Period

I have witnessed too many Hispanic youngsters shunted into the less prestigious, lower paid allied health fields. For over 30 years, I have urged Hispanics to aim for the top in the health professions.  Bluntly, become an M.D. Why?  It is the pinnacle in the health fields: highly respected, highly paid and with multiple career options. The M.D. is a privileged profession in this country, and Hispanics are as capable as any other group to fill its ranks.

Hispanic Community March 2018 Premium

Invest in Yourself In the Summer of 2018 by <b> Gustavo A. Mellander </b>

Let’s consider the average Hispanic high school graduate. Many aren’t convinced they “are college material.” Many would be the first in their family to go to college.  It is normal to be apprehensive, hesitant.  What to do?  Help is available. Virtually every college offers summer programs dedicated to help prepare incoming students succeed in college.  Many have been at it for decades, and their programs have proven to be successful for thousands.

Hispanic Community April 2011 Premium

Graduate School Realities and College Evolution of Latinas in the U.S. by <b>Gustavo A. Mellander</b>

This issue of HO is dedicated to graduate education. That level of specialized education used to be the domain of the highly intelligent and privileged in our society. Sometimes being privileged, financially secure, was more important than academic superiority. The Ph.D. has long been the pinnacle of graduate education. We also value the university evolution of Latinas.