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Global October 2018

Not Real News: A Look At What Didn't Happen This Week

The following are stories that the Associated Press has found are not legit: Michael Buble to retire from music; Mayo Clinic employee is misdiagnosing pregnancies of Trump supporters; Thousands of Ku Klux Klan members march down Fifth Avenue in New York City to attend the Democratic National Convention in 1924; and Clouds roll over Panama Beach, Florida, hotels as Hurricane Michael arrives.

Global October 2018

This Week’s Top 5 Trending Headlines

2+2 Program Guarantees Community College Students Admission To University; Our October President's Issue has arrived; Former Mexican President To Speak At Northwestern University;

Global October 2018

Not Real News: A Look At What Didn't Happen This Week

The Associated Press has investigated the following stories and have determined they are all not legit: Food Fight! Jailbird Bill Cosby Slapped With Chicken Patty In Prison, Texas Democrat Slapped With Federal Charges - Completely Destroys His 2018 Race, Heads up Georgia. The Muslim Brotherhood is backing Abrams, and Former Fed chair Alan Greenspan has died.

Global October 2018

Not Real News: A Look At What Didn't Happen This Week

The Associated Press has investigated the following stories and have determined they are all not legit. These articles were all widely shared on social media this week. All three of these not real stories involve Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court and the accusations of sexual misconduct made by Christine Blasey Ford.

Global September 2018

Not Real News: A Look At What Didn't Happen This Week

Untrue but widely circulated stories that have been since debunked by the Associated Press include: Prosecutor at Kavanaugh hearing got Catholic priest "off the hook;" Democratic donor awarded grant to woman accusing Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault; and Morgantown Mom Catches Pedophile Trying To Rape Child, Blows His Head Off With Shotgun

Global September 2018

Not Real News: A Look At What Didn't Happen This Week

A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue headlines of the week including: CNN's Anderson Cooper Caught Faking Hurricane Florence Intensity, Pilot amazingly saves his passengers' lives during a typhoon, NC Clerk Refuses To Sell Gas To Man Fleeing Hurricane Over Trump Bumper Sticker.

Global September 2018

This Week’s Top 5 Trending Headlines

The following are the headlines that received the most views on our Facebook page: Sotomayor Tells Kids: Reading Helped Me Reach Supreme Court, Rita Moreno's Been Breaking the Mold for Longer Than You Know, Top 4 Featured Jobs On Hispanic Outlook’s Job Board, Warner Bros’ “Young Sheldon” Inspires New STEM Grant Program and WPU Receives $250K For Shark Research Project.

Global September 2018

Not Real News: A Look At What Didn't Happen This Week

Not real headlines that trended on social media and have been debunked include: Henry Winkler - 1942-2018 - Donates Half Of His Estate To MAGA 2020, Bruno Mars being 'lined up' to play Prince in Netflix biopic, Morgan Freeman: 'Jailing Hillary' Best Way To 'Restore Public Faith in Govt' and Hersheypark not giving away free tickets for its 50th anniversary.