
February 07 2011 Issue

Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders for Global Dominance


Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders for Global Dominance

Table of Content

Hispanic Community February 2011 Premium

For Brazil, the Future Has Arrived <b> Carlos D. Conde </b>

In1941, so the story goes, Austrian author Stephan Zweig migrated to Brazil and, being so enamored with his new homeland and its potential, praised it in a book as the “country of the future” and then committed suicide. Not that these frustrations were to blame, but it supposedly gave rise to one of the most hackneyed references to this South American colossal – “the country of the future and always will be.”

Hispanic Community February 2011 Premium

Pew Research Center Reports on Latinos Coming of Age in America by <b> Angela Provitera McGlynn </b>

This report is part of a series by the Pew Research Center looking at how America’s next generation, known as “millennials,” is reshaping our nation. Within this context, it is necessary to focus specifically on Latinos since never before in American history has a minority ethnic group made up such a large share of this coming-of-age group. Well known by now is the fact that Hispanics are the largest and youngest minority group in America, with one in four newborns and one in five schoolchildren being of Hispanic background.