The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. An anonymous Doctor reflects on what Covid 19 has brought to our world.
By Anonymous.
Featuring article from the Physician Outlook.
The good are the great doctors, nurses, first responders, food handlers, postmen and all necessary personnel who risk their lives to save others. The good is the planet resting, animals feeling safe to come out, birds all over the place and ocean full of wildlife. Blue skies, fresh air. The good is being able to hang around our kids and appreciating being alive.
The bad are the companies that think of making money and taking advantage of a pandemic. Those who raised the prices of masks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment. The bad are the hospitals not protecting their doctors and cutting their salaries. The bad are the people struggling financially because they can’t go to work. The bad are the inconsiderate who only care about their own safety and walk outside without masks, making others anxious and risking other people’s lives.
The ugly is the corruption pushing an agenda. The ugly is the narrative of the politics in this country not caring about lives but polls. The really ugly is the media who all of a sudden became doctors, giving advice or analyzing medical journals. The media touted poorly conducted studies (e.g., VA) that scared every patient from taking hydroxychloroquine and criticized a great study from France of a much respected and admired scientist. None can understand what it took to get those results except those who do medical trials. Dr. Raoult took nasal swabs of patients daily, checked the genetic sequencing of all patients. 1600+ patients. He wasn’t serving hamburgers, he was saving lives from a deadly virus that could have killed him. In fact, he saved 98% of the people he treated. The media made fun of his study calling him a quack.
What’s the point of a medical degree? What’s the point of years of training, boards, sacrifices? What’s the point if no one will listen?
The real ugly is stopping doctors from prescribing an old drug and making patients scared of a drug that rheumatologists have prescribed in this country for 60 yrs without checking an EKG.
Steve Jobs said “ it doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do”. I say it doesn’t make sense to give doctors a medical degree and not let them practice the ART of medicine.