
May 02 2011 Issue

Leveling the Playing Field


Leveling the Playing Field

Table of Content

Administration May 2011 Premium

TCU’s Recruitment Strategies Yielding More Hispanic Students – and Retaining Them by <b> Gary M. Stern</b>

In the fall of 1999, administrators at Texas Christian University (TCU), located in Fort Worth, Texas, met to devise a strategy to attract more African-American and Latino students. At that time, only 5 percent of its students were Latino; and 4 percent, African-American. After initiating a task force, TCU stepped up its efforts to diversify its campus.

Arts and Media May 2011 Premium

Central Valley’s Manuel Muñoz on the Right Page <b> Clay Latimer </b>

During a film studies class at Harvard nearly 20 years ago, Manuel Muñoz was watching a screening of Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho when a background detail caught his eye. In the scene where Janet Leigh’s character is driving along a stark high-way in California’s Central Valley, a sign appears bearing the name of Gorman, Calif., a small town located near Muñoz’s hometown, Dinuba.

Technology May 2011 Premium

An Alliance of Geeks and Poets? by <b> Bone August </b>

This short excerpt from Patricia Cohen’s article offers so many tantalizing jumping-off points that it is hard to know where to start. As we at New York City College of Technology, with the help of Title V, initiate our “Redesign of General Education for a 21st Century College of Technology,” the context for the study of the humanities, nationally and internationally, is undergoing profound change.

Hispanic Community May 2011 Premium

Excelencia Reports America’s Future Tied to Latino College Graduation Rates by <b> Angela Provitera McGlynn</b>

First, some background. President Obama set a goal in 2009 known as the American Graduation Initiative. It proposes that by the year 2020 America will lead the world again in higher education by increasing community college graduates and certificate completers. To reach this goal, the federal government has strengthened Pell Grants, simplified the application for financial aid and created competitive grants to improve and expand reforms that have been effective.