This month featuring books on STEM education from Amazon & Environmental studies from SUNY Press
This month featuring books on STEM education from Amazon

Editor: Laura I. Rendón, Vijay Kanagala
Publisher: Greenwood
ISBN-13: 978-1610697910
This book focuses on the importance of STEM education for Latinos/as and provides the most current information students and families need to make informed decisions about entering and succeeding in a STEM career. Students, families, and educators will fully understand why STEM is so important for Latinos/as, how to choose and plan for a career in STEM, and how to pay for and succeed in college. The book also includes compelling testimonials of Latino/a students who have completed a STEM major that offer proof that Latinos/as can succeed in STEM fields.

Author: Gail Horowitz
Publisher: Information Age Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-1641135962
Data shows that more first-generation students are likely to be arriving on your doorstep in the near future. What can you do to help them be successful? This book can provide you with some research based methods that are quick, easy, and effortless to help first-generation college students succeed without having to change the way you teach. With a little effort, you can enhance the retention of underrepresented groups in your discipline, at your institution and play a role in national efforts to enhance diversity in STEM.

Author: Kathleen C. Straker, Eugenia G. Kelman
Publisher: Karista Press; Illustrated edition
ISBN-13: 978-0979847516
Six Steps to College Success is written for students who want to take charge of their own learning. This study system will help you retain the information presented in your classes, textbooks and labs and will teach you to: Reduce stress by developing a manageable schedule, get the most out of lectures, use critical thinking to organize essential information, create highly organized notes for easy review and self-testing, recall and apply information for exams and laboratory work, improve long-term memory, increase concentration, reduce test anxiety, and take exams with confidence.

Authors: David E. Drew
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press; Reprint edition
ISBN-13: 978-1421416953
Drawing on both academic literature and his own rich experience, in STEM the Tide: Reforming Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education in America.
Drew identifies proven strategies for reforming America’s schools, colleges, and universities, and his comprehensive review of STEM education in the United States offers a positive blueprint for the future. These research-based strategies include creative and successful methods for building strong programs in science and mathematics education and show how the achievement gap between majority and minority students can be closed. A crucial measure, he argues, is recruiting, educating, supporting, and respecting America’s teachers.
This month featuring books on Environmental studies from SUNY Press

Edited by: Gregory A. Smith & Dilafruz R. Williams
Publisher: SUNY Press
ISBN-13: 9780791439869
Courses in environmental education often focus on scientific analysis and social policy—not cultural change. Ecological Education in Action celebrates the work of innovative educators in North America who explore ecological issues in school and non-school settings. These educators demonstrate how to reshape the thinking of children and adults to affirm the value of sufficiency, mutual support, and community.
Ecological Education in Action describes courses, programs, or projects that are transformative in nature, aimed at engendering the experience of connectedness that lies at the heart of moral action.

Edited by: Richard D. Besel & Bernard K. Duffy
Publisher: SUNY Press
ISBN-13: 9781438458502
The written works of nature's leading advocates have been the subject of many texts, but their speeches remain relatively unknown or unexamined. Green Voices aims to redress this situation. Some concentrate on a single speaker and a single speech. Others look at several speeches. Some are historical in orientation, while others are more theoretical. In other words, this collection examines the broad sweep of US environmental history from the perspective of our most famous and influential environmental figures.

Author: Byron W. Daynes, Glen Sussman, and Jonathan P. West
Publisher: SUNY Press
ISBN-13: 9781438459325
Changing our environmental policy has been at the forefront of many political discussions. But how can we make this change come about? In American Politics and the Environment, Second Edition, Byron W. Daynes, Glen Sussman and Jonathan P. West argue it is critical that we must understand the politics of environmental decision making and how political actors operate within political institutions. A central focus of this second edition is the emergence of global climate change as a key issue.

Authors: Janet E. Hunter & Zachary A. Smith
Publisher: SUNY Press
ISBN-13: 9780791465127
Significant changes in how the world approaches global environmental problems have occurred since the late 1970s. Protecting Our Environment Examines how the European Union has handled environmental protection issues and considers the successes that have been achieved in the European Union (EU), as well as issues the Union still faces regarding the protection of the environment in the future. By analyzing the successful example of the EU, Protecting Our Environment provides a model for a contemporary approach to global environmental problems.