
Highlands University Gets Big Sheet Music Donation

Arts and Media August 2016
A sheet music donation to Highlands University is doubling the collection at its music program. The college announced this week that former professor Ron Thielman is giving the school $150,000 worth of sheet music from more than 3,000 scores. Thielman, who retired from New Mexico State University in 1995, says he donated his collection to Highlands because of his fond memories as the school's director of bands.

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Highlands University gets big sheet music donation

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300.0"]Chris Barley, a sophomore majoring in music technology, catalogs the more than 3,000 music scores donated to Highlands by Ron Thielman, a former professor at the university. Photo Courtesy of Highlands University. Chris Barley, a sophomore majoring in music technology, catalogs the more than 3,000 music scores donated to Highlands by Ron Thielman, a former professor at the university. Photo Courtesy of Highlands University.[/caption]

LAS VEGAS, N.M. (AP) — A sheet music donation to Highlands University is doubling the collection at its music program.

The college announced this week that former professor Ron Thielman is giving the school $150,000 worth of sheet music from more than 3,000 scores.

Thielman, who retired from New Mexico State University in 1995, says he donated his collection to Highlands because of his fond memories as the school's director of bands from 1967-1969.

Highlands music professor Edward Harrington says the donation will give students an opportunity to perform a wide variety of music that was used for commercial entertainment.


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